212. (Two-one-two)
Opened since : 6/19/2016
Style/Kind: Photo gallery
Area: Minamihorie, Osaka City
Owner's motto: A Journey Through Perspectives
Text & Photo: Atsuko Tanaka / Edit: B SABURO
You will find the photo gallery 212 located in a residential area of Minamihorie, Osaka. The warm sounds of 70's Jazz invite you in. As you step inside you will be moved by the beautiful space, originally a rice shop that has been freshly remodeled by the owner, Shimoyama. You can feel his aesthetic in every corner of the gallery.
Shimoyama has been influenced by street culture since he was young. He went to a fashion school with thoughts of become a stylist after graduating from high school. However, when he first visited New York in 2001 he was shocked to see people expressing their lifestyle as fashion rather than having someone style them. He wanted to photograph the people he met there so he changed his path to photography. Since then he has visited New York frequently and published "212MAG" compiling his work. He opened the 212 gallery about six years ago with a mind to showcase his work in a unique setting.
-Please tell us what inspired you to open the gallery.
I used to have an office space within a building, but since I’ve been doing street photography for so many years, it made more sense to have a gallery that faced the street. The work becomes more convincing this way.
-What is the concept of the gallery?
Street art as a lifestyle. It’s normal to see galleries selling street art in New York, but in Japan, and especially in Osaka, the scene is still developing. To change that I had to show the importance of it. It’s a work in progress.
-It’s been six years since you opened the gallery, do you feel that people's awareness has changed?
It’s definitely changed, especially with younger people. When they buy my work, I can feel their perception of the value has changed.
-Are there any difficulties in running the gallery?
It's always difficult, but it’s part of the job. If I don’t put forth the effort now, nothing will change the perception of the art. I could run things in more traditional manner, but the rebellious attitude of hip hop is always part of my mentality.
-All the photos are sold here were taken by you. What kind of message do you have in your work?
There are so many styles of photography, but I think street photography is a realistic expression that’s also relevant to journalism. Paintings can depict imaginary worlds, but photography can capture the world as it exists. However, there are dreams, hopes, and momentary sparkles in there as well. It's not solely real, nor is it a dream world, but a place where truth and fantasy live together. I’m proud of all of my work.

-What is your favorite piece?
It's difficult but if I had to choose it would be the picture of the Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima that I shot in film in 2008. I think the meaning of the Atomic Bomb Dome varies depends on the person, but to me it's a symbol of Japan in a sense. I think this piece has everlasting meaning.
-You've taken a lot of pictures of New York streets, what kind of city is New York to you?
New York taught me love but also the harsh realities of life. it feels like a combination of a mother and a father. Both are important to me and because of that I've been hooked for a long time.
-What’s the most interesting event that happened at your gallery so far?
There is always something happening and I believe every moment is a miracle, so it’s difficult to narrow down one event. It’s same with life, there is no absolute. If I choose one moment, it would be unfair in a sense. One thing has led to another and everything becomes connected.
-What is the neighborhood like?
Minamihorie was originally located along Dotombori. There used to be lumber shops surrounding the river, and after that it was a hub for furniture stores. About 30 years ago clothes stores and cafes started to open and it has since been generally recognized as a fashionable city. With the construction of so many condominiums, a lot of new people are coming to this area. I feel it’s similar to how the lower east side of New York city has changed.
-Do you have a message to customers who are thinking of visiting the gallery for the first time?
Photography requires the intellect and sensibility of the viewer to some extent, so there’s a bit of a learning curve. Once you understand the perspective it's a deep and fun world. Not every picture will be meaningful to you, but I believe people who stop by the store will enjoy the experience.
Address: 大阪府大阪市西区南堀江3丁目9-2
Phone: 06-6536-3466
営業時間: 13:00-18:00(定休日:水曜日、第2、第4日曜日)
Website: http://212.lighting/
Instagram: @tets8_photographer