Opened since: 8/2/2016
Kind/Style: Barber shop
Area: Yokohama city, Kanagawa prefecture
Owner’s motto: My haircuts speak for themselves!
Text & Photo: Atsuko Tanaka / Edit: B SABURO
Biggie, born and raised in Yokohama opened HARBOR'S BARBER SHOP six years ago in 2016. His fade cuts are highly sought after, and the word of mouth speaks for itself as current customers bring in new customers. The shop itself is cozy and filled with nostalgic 90’s Hip Hop vibes.
Biggie fell in love with fashion in high school and discovered Hip Hop culture in a local clothing store he used to visit. After graduating from high school he considered going to fashion school, but instead he got a job at a nursing care facility. At that point he realized that his heart wasn’t really in it. He had already been cutting his own hair at that point and noticed that although people were dressing fashionable, their haircuts didn’t match.This presented the opportunity to open his own shop.
-Please tell us what inspired you opened the store.
I've loved Hip Hop since I was in high school. When I saw the rappers in music videos, I wondered how their hair cuts were so dope and the lines were so straight and cool. When I would get a haircut at a Japanese barber shop it never came out the way I wanted. So I bought clippers and tried to cut my hair by watching haircut tutorials on YouTube, which were new at that time. Many of my friends had the same issue, so I thought it would be a good idea to be a barber. I went to a barber school at the age of 25 and after graduating, I worked at a few different shops for about two years and then opened my own shop.
-What is the concept of your shop?
As people say, "If you want to learn how to be social, go to a barber shop” A barber shop is a social place for men, so my place is designed for that style of community.
-I feel the vibes of 90’s New York from the atmosphere and the music you’re playing here.
I got into street fashion first, but people around me taught me Hip Hop culture. Then I started listening to Wu-Tang and Mobb Deep. By the way, my nickname is Biggie even I don’t look like him. I guess it's because I’m big or I was always wearing a flat cap, one day my friend told me "You're Biggie" lol. Since then, everyone calls me that.
-What do you recommend from the cut menu?
A fade haircut. It’s the basic cutting style in the States and we call it “Kariage” in Japan. Japanese barbers mainly use scissors, but in the States they use various styles of clippers to cut. Because of this the lines are so delicate and different from the ones cut with scissors. I’ve getting a good reputation for my crisp lineup and I’m pretty confident about my skill.
-Right, your lineup is so beautiful!
That’s the point I've always been fascinated with so I’ve done lots of research and practice. We call the cut that straightens the lineup without any deviation and has a perfect fade gradation “crispy”. It’s important to keep your appearance fresh in Hip Hop culture, so making people’s haircut crispy is my job!
-What kind of clientele do you have?
Most of them are young people. We have a lot of Japanese clients, but also African Americans, Chinese, Mexicans, and many others. In the States people usually get a haircut from the same race because they know their hair texture well. I think the foreign customers were a little bit nervous about me cutting their hair at first, but they’re happy with the result and usually give me a complement like I’m better than some American barbers. That makes me happy.
-What was the most interesting or crazy thing happened at the store so far?
It's not a crazy event, but in the five years since opening this place, I've met so many customers and many of them have become close friends of mine. My customers tend to vibe with each other and the circle is always expanding. I’m happy to be able to provide a place like this for them. I love them all!
-What is the neighborhood like?
It’s very photogenic. Since Yokohama is a port city and is the gate of western culture, it’s considered to be the birthplace of western barbers since they first arrived in 1864. I am proud to be able to operate in a place with that much history.

-Please give a message to people who are thinking of visiting here for the first time.
Most of my customers come from checking my Instagram or from seeing one of my customer’s haircuts. I try not to pack my schedule with reservations so I can take the time to cut each person in the way they deserve. There is satisfaction in knowing I’ve given my very best. It’s important for people to look fresh on the streets, so I hope my skills will complete your look.
Address: 1-1-30 Okano, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawaosed on Thursday)
Phone: 045-294-9249
Business hours: 12PM~8PM(Closed on Thursday)
Instagram: @harbors_barber_shop